Our Ethos
At Grove Preschool we understand that Early Years Education provides the foundation to lifelong learning.
We believe that all children should feel happy and safe, we promote this by providing an inclusive, nurturing and enabling environment so that all our children can learn and develop through their play and our teaching, to reach their full potential. .
Our staff pride themselves on knowing their key children in depth and working in partnership with their families, enabling children to make good progress, building from their individual starting points and learning through their own interests so they can grow being able to:
- Be independent
- Be enthusiastic to play and explore
- Be filled with Curiosity about the world around them
- Make links and solve problems
- Enjoy being surrounded by nature
- Develop self-regulation skills and beginning to develop an understanding of their emotions.
We understand that all children are unique and through supporting them to learn and begin to develop essential skills ranging from physical to emotional, alongside core social values, that when our children leave, they will be well equipped and ready for the next stage of their lives and educational journey
Our Goals For Our Children
Curriculum Goals for The End of Pre-school
At Grove Pre-school we will provide an enabling environment that supports and extends all children’s learning and development, including children with English as additional language and Special Educational Needs.
We will implement the Early Years Foundation Stage to holistically cover all 7 areas of learning and development and support all characteristics of effective learning through flexible planning which is responsive to individual children’s needs, interests and experiences.
As follows are goals that are important to us at Grove Pre-school. We aim to work in partnership with parents/carers to help children to be able to learn, remember and master some important skills by the end of their journey at Pre-school.
Communication and language:
- To know and be able to recite, with actions, at least 6 poems from the Poetry basket
- To know and be able to sing the songs from our song sack
- To be able to retell our chosen Pre-school stories – ‘The Colour Monster’, ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’, ‘I want a friend’, ‘We’re going on a Bear Hunt’ and ‘The Three Little Pigs’
Personal, social and emotional development:
- To be aware of their different emotions and know at least 2 healthy ways to help regulate their own emotions, with the help of our wellbeing box.
- To know our pre-school rules that support our British values. – Play safe, be safe, share and take turns, listen to each other, be kind to others and have fun!
Physical Development:
- For children to be able to complete an obstacle race
- To be able to be independent and knowledgeable about their self care -to be able to use the toilet, washing their hands properly, putting their shoes and coats on.
- To make healthy choices about food, drink, activity and oral hygiene
- To show an early interest in stories and a passion for reading with a focus on our 5 chosen Pre-school books - ‘The Colour Monster’, ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’, ‘I Want a Friend’ and ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ and ‘The Three Little Pigs’
- To know the structure and storyline of our 5 chosen Pre-school books and be able to reference them and describe what happens during the different parts – beginning, middle and the end.
- To recognise and write some of their name
- For children to be able to subitise and have a deeper understanding of numbers 1-5
- To be able to describe a familiar walk and route we take at pre-school
Understanding the world:
- To know the metamorphosis process of a caterpillar to a butterfly and to know how to grow a seed into a plant
- To have positive attitudes about the difference between people
Expressive Art and Design:
- To be able to show different emotions through the media of dance, paint and role play
- To be able to play instruments with increasing control and meaning