British Values
What are British Values?
At Grove Pre-school, our values and rules are tied into British Values.
The five part definition of British Values;
The rule of law
Individual liberty
Mutual Respect
Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs.
We respect, listen to and act on children’s and parents views. Children are involved in making class rules, they are expected to contribute and cooperate with them, taking into account the views of others.
The Rule of Law
We consistently reinforce our high expectations of children and their families. Children are taught the value and reasons behind our expectations, that they are there to protect us, that everyone has a responsibility to follow rules and understand the consequences if rules are broken. We encourage and promote good behaviour and attitude and use positive strategies to support conflict resolution.
Individual Liberty
The children are actively encouraged to make choices at pre-school in a safe and supportive environment. We encourage children to choose activities that will challenge them and determine their own learning. We offer a range of activities so that the children have a choice and listen carefully to the children’s preferences and interests and promote these in the pre-school.
Mutual Respect
Adults in the Pre-school help the children to understand how actions and words can affect others. The adults show how to respect others through caring, sharing and listening and the expectation is that children will model this positive behaviour. Children are taught that they are all unique with different needs, faiths, backgrounds and cultures and their individuality is celebrated.
Tolerance of Different Faiths and Beliefs.
We aim to enhance the children’s understanding and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs by participating in a range of celebrations during the year. We encourage families to come into the preschool and celebrate with us, introduce their traditions, foods, clothing, and share their knowledge.